In Pursuit of Truth, Goodness and Beauty may we lift our hearts up to Him

“Reason is so absolutely the servant of each of us that we may use him to what ends we please, noble or ignoble, great or small. Remembering that we have a great gift, let us use it in thinking out great matters; and then, some day, the opportunity to think out some great service for the world will be put in our way. The chance of doing nearly always comes when we are ready for it.”

– Charlotte Mason, Ourselves 

From Thinking Straight to Owning Your Faith: Sursum Corda’s Logic/Apologetics Scope & Flow

Not every idea that our children will hear will be true! We hope to train our students to think clearly and avoid common fallacies, so that they can discern truth in the words of others, and formulate truth themselves. We also know, as Charlotte Mason points out, that good reasoning can be used to further whatever assumptions we have already accepted. For this reason, our students move on to discussions of culture and worldview, grounding their thinking in Biblical truth.

Form I

Although we do not have a class time for Logic at this age, Form I students are constantly learning to think well! They are playing logic and strategy games, narrating well-thought writings, and learning about the Bible in their homes.

Form II

In Form II, students learn about common fallacies, using the text The Fallacy Detective.

Forms III-IV

We are delighted to partner with Maven for our Form III/IV Apologetics. In this class, students grapple with issues of culture, worldview, and religion, in a safe environment and with a trustworthy guide. Our program covers current events and cultural issues, local to international, from a Christian worldview. On certain days throughout the year, students are introduced to basics of formal logic.

Works Read

Form IIForm III-IV
Worldview & Culture + Elements of Formal Logic
A Student’s Guide to Culture
The Story of Reality
What’s Your Worldview?
The Fallacy DetectiveWorldview & Culture + Elements of Formal Logic
More Than a Carpenter
Navigating Cancel Culture
World Religions + Elements of Formal Logic

Resources for Further Exploration

Keeping Your Kids on God’s Side by Natasha Crain 
Mama Bear Apologetics by Hilary Morgan Ferrer 
Another Gospel? Alissa Childers 
Practical Guide to Culture by John Stonestreet and Brett Kunkle