In Pursuit of Truth, Goodness and Beauty may we lift our hearts up to Him

“Let It Be To Me” – Sursum Corda News December 2022

Dear Sursum Corda Mamas–

“I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” (Luke 1:38 ESV) Last week, some of our Latin classes read and acted out the Annunciation once again.  And once again, I am caught and held by this phrase. I have written to you about this phrase before, I know, but this is Advent, and it is a time for doing things once again as we wait for the eternal.

“Let it be,” in English, sounds a little weak to me. In Latin, the translation is one word: “fiat.”  The word which gives us an English word for a command (“by fiat of the king…”). You might translate it “be it!” if English allowed for that, or perhaps (for Star Trek fans) “make it so!” It is, in fact, the word used in the Latin translation of Genesis 1: “Let there be light” (“Fiat lux.”) A powerful kind of word.

And you, handmaidens of the Lord? What call will you take up this week? Is the Lord calling you to shoulder new ministry? To let go of some that is over? To persevere with joy when you are tired? It is Advent, and it is time once again to gather up all your willpower and declare, “I am the servant of the Lord; FIAT mihi!”

With love,
Heather (for the Board)