“…another elemental relationship, which every child should be taught and encouraged to set up, is that of power over material. Every child makes sand castles, mud-pies, paper boats, and he or she should go on to work in clay, wood, brass, iron, leather, dress-stuffs, food-stuffs, furnishing-stuffs. He should be able to make with his hands and should take delight in making”
Charlotte Mason, vol. 3, p.80
Delight in Making: Sursum Corda’s Handicrafts Scope & Flow
Handicrafts are skills that develop over time and are lifelong joys for our children. Charlotte Mason education focuses on teaching skills for quality work, rather than quick disposable crafts.
Form I
This class will introduce students to new materials and ways of using their hands to serve others as they create. Children may have focused projects or days of learning simple steps to help grow a skill for future use. There will be about 2-3 focuses each term.
Forms II-IV
While we do not offer this class time after Form I, Sursum Corda students pursue many kinds of arts and crafts training.